What If We Call All These Isms What They Are?

Yogi Berra

What If We Call All These Isms What They Are?

There’s some bad“isms” floating around out there like racism, sexism, anti-semitism, and terrorism and they’re all bringing us down. Then there’s the euphemism.  Not visible but still dangerous as it swaps out the real meaning of words (like “the poor”) for less unpleasant sounding ones (like the “economically disadvantaged.”) Or as the comedian, George Carlin famously put it, “soft words that get the human pain completely buried under jargon.”

So, I’m wondering:  What if we dig up the dirt and just call these isms what they are – Hate.  Pure,simple and evil.  As the police departments don’t report them as “ism crimes” I figure we’re onto something.  What if speaking what’s true, even if it’s an inconvenient one, can help set us  free?

Read the entire article here.
