Spiritual Care in Medicine

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 The Case For Incorporating Spiritual Care In Medicine

“We need to back away from the computer and really listen.”

Antonia Blumberg     Associate Religion Editor, The Huffington Post

Blumberg writes, “Dr. Christina Puchalski is familiar with death. The palliative care doctor and founder of the George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health (GWish) has seen countless patients facing the end of life ― but there are still moments that shake her foundation.” She continued, “Sometimes, Puchalski noted, the most crucial thing a doctor can offer a patient is their presence and a willingness to listen. With these tools doctors can attend not only to their patient’s physical needs but to their spiritual concerns as well, she said. The definition Puchalski uses for spirituality at GWish, which marked its 15th anniversary this year, focuses less on religious affiliation and more on a person’s “search for ultimate meaning.” How patients make sense of their illnesses, and even their aches and pains, should be part of the “whole person model” doctors employ, she said.”

Read more about how spirituality affects medical care here.
