When Christians Won’t Say #BlackLivesMatter

When Christians Won’t Say #BlackLivesMatter

Kevin Wright    Kevin Wright currently serves as the Minister of Education at The Riverside Church in the City of New York

…[M]any Christians hesitate or refuse to say #BlackLivesMatter when one would think that their affinity for a marginalized Jewish man who preached a message of good news for the oppressed would usher them to support such a call for justice.

The theologian Howard Thurman identified this tension in his book, Jesus and the Disinherited. Thurman describes how the Sadducees (an upper class in Jesus’ day laden with privilege and economic security) were astute enough to see that their own position could be perpetuated if they stood firmly against all “revolutionaries and radicals.” In other words, when given the choice between retaining their privilege or standing with the oppressed, they chose the former.

Read more here.
